

Post-processing at your fingertips

EZSurv is GNSS post-processing software that provides a reliable and efficient RTK offline solution to improve the accuracy of your survey or GIS data. Compatible with industry standards, EZSurv is a straightforward, user-friendly solution that offers 4 processing modes and many unique features.


Please access our Distributor's Corner to download the instruction documents.


Field data collection software compatibility

  • FieldGenius from MicroSurvey
  • SurvCE from Carlson Software
  • ArcPad from Esri
  • ESurvey Section
  • ESurvey Contour
  • ESurvey Earthwork
  • ESurvey KML
  • ESurvey Road Design
  • ESurvey Topodraw

Processing modes

  • Baseline processing
  • Kinematic processing – PPK (RTK offline)
  • Precise Point Positioning – static
  • Precise Point Positioning – kinematic

Main features

  • Automatic connection to many base station data providers
  • Automatic connection to many precise orbit providers
  • Least squares adjustment tool
  • Support to most coordinate systems
  • Many QA tools